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Monday – Friday



9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.



Playgroup & Nursery

Monday – Friday


9.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.


Junior KG & Senior KG

Monday – Saturday

8.15 a.m. to 2.45 p.m.

Grade I – VIII

Note – Every Month End Will Be Holiday For All Students.


A Few Guidelines To Be Observed

Good behaviour and discipline are key foundations for good education. We expect and insist on the highest standards of behaviour throughout our school. Courtesy, good manners and consideration for others, together with self-discipline and respect for authority, are encouraged at all times and are important if we are to make our school a truly caring community. We place great emphasis on praising children for politeness and kindness to others.


  • Students must be dressed in complete school uniform whenever they use the school premises. ï‚·

  • Boys should have a proper haircut. Fancy haircut, streaked hair, long hair, long sideburns or shaving of hair in patterns is not permissible. ï‚·

  • Boys are not allowed to wear caps, bracelets, chains, friendship bands and coloured T-shirts.

Late Arrival

  • The school gates will close within a minute after the first bell rings.


  • It is compulsory for children to be present on the first and the last working day after Dussehra, Christmas and Summer vacations unless in the case of an emergency which must be accompanied by a formal letter to the class teacher explaining the absence. Parents are, therefore, requested to make travel plans accordingly. ï‚·

  • If a child has not attended school, parents should send the application of nonattendance. ï‚·

  • If a child has a medical condition and has not reported to the school for more than 3 days, the leave record should be accompanied by a medical certificate. ï‚·

  • The child will not be given any retest (formative/ unit-tests/ summative) if a child has missed the same for any reason. ï‚·

  • It is compulsory for all students to attend National events and special assemblies notified by the School. ï‚·

  • It is compulsory for students to complete 85% attendance in the year to make them eligible to appear for the final exam.

Early Dismissal

  • Students who leave early need an authorization letter from their parent, without which they may not be allowed to leave. ï‚·

  • Students should take an exit slip signed by their Coordinator, Class teacher and Principal before they leave the school. ï‚·

  • When parents arrive at school to pick up the student, he or she must report to the school office to sign out the student. The student will then be called to the office to leave.


  • Attending an assembly is compulsory for students even on days when tests & examinations are conducted. ï‚·

  • Students ought to be sincere and respectful during the assembly. ï‚·

  • Students are required to cooperate with the student cabinet members who discharge their duties.


  • On their birthdays, students are greeted during the Morning Assembly. ï‚·

  • We request parents not to send expensive gifts to be distributed to children and teachers in school. We expect you to send either one small chocolate or two toffees.

Electronic Gadgets

  • Possession of mobile phones/other electronic gadgets is not permitted on the school premises. ï‚·

  • If a student is found carrying a cell phone/a tab in the school, it will be confiscated by the school authority and not returned. ï‚·

  • Students may contact their parents through the concerned coordinator if they have fallen sick after coming to school. ï‚·

  • Students staying back for after school activities cannot use it as an excuse to carry any gadgets to school.

Excuse From Physical Education

  • If a student is unable to participate in any kind of physical activity organized by the school because of illness, an advanced diary note attested by the parent must be brought to the physical education teacher explaining the illness, and she/he will be excused. ï‚·

  • In the event of a prolonged illness, a student must produce a medical certificate and seek exemption from physical education.

Behaviour In School Bus

For the safety of all students who travel by bus, students are expected to obey the following rules:

  • Students using the school bus must stay away from the main road until the bus arrives. ï‚·

  • Follow queue system while boarding and alighting the buses. ï‚·

  • No student should come near the entry door of the bus unless it has made a complete halt. ï‚·

  • The driver and conductor are to be respected. ï‚·

  • Students must use only the bus and the bus stop assigned to them. ï‚·

  • Students cannot enter or leave the bus at any place except the student’s assigned bus stop or school unless the student has a note from the home that has been approved by the Principal. ï‚·

  • Students must stay in their seat while the bus is in motion. Students must not reserve seats by placing their things on the seats. ï‚·

  • Students must keep the aisle of bus clear at all times. Items such as books, bags must not block the aisle. ï‚·

  • Students must not litter the inside of the bus, throw anything out of the window, or cause damage to the bus. ï‚·

  • No bullying or verbal assault on the bus will be accepted. ï‚·

  • Do not carry objects such as mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other reflective device for this will distract the driver.

  • Shouting, singing out loud will distract the driver and also the passerby. This is completely prohibited and eating on the bus is not permissible.

Use Of Bicycles

  • Students have to park their bicycles in the allotted parking area only. ï‚·

  • Students should ensure that they lock their bicycle before parking. ï‚·

  • The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of bicycles. ï‚·

  • Bicycles are never to be ridden within the campus. ï‚·

  • Students are strictly prohibited from using two-wheelers like scooters, mopeds, motorbikes etc.

Cyber Safety In Children

  • The internet policy of the school has been issued in the best interests of the stakeholders. The terms and conditions as stated below are applicable to the students of Eureka Infosys School.

  • The Internet, Social Media Platforms or the school network must not be used for cyberbullying which includes but not limited to the following: misuse of technology, harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures/images or web postings including blogs. Consequences may include: suspension /dismissal from school or expulsion.

  • Students should refrain from introducing malicious software on to the network of the institution and/or jeopardizing the security of the organization’s electronic communications systems.

  • Students are to restrict themselves from sending or posting information that is defamatory to the institution and to the members of the school fraternity.

  • Students are hereby directed to abide by this Internet Usage Policy. They are to further understand that, should they commit any violation of this policy, severe disciplinary action resulting in suspension or expulsion from the school.

General School Rules

  • ï‚· Decorum should be observed at all times on the school premises. Students are expected to be attentive when it comes to classwork and homework. It must be done regularly and to accepted standards. ï‚·

  • Movement between classrooms should be done in a disciplined manner. Students should keep to the left when walking in the corridors or climbing up the stairs. ï‚·

  • Students must maintain discipline in the corridor at all times. Students will not leave the class after every period or loiter in the corridor. Bullying, or lowering the self-esteem of a fellow student in any form, will not be tolerated. ï‚·

  • Theft, practical joking, or ‘borrowing’ items without permission, are forbidden. ï‚·

  • School property should be respected. The school authorities have provided a beautiful learning environment. Please keep it that way and refrain from defacing the environs, fixtures and fittings, with graffiti. Ensure that any litter is disposed off, in the designated places. ï‚·

  • A student must use decent language all the time. He/She must ensure that his speech is courteous and polite. All children must converse in English as the school stresses student’s competence to speak confidently and fluently in English. ï‚·

  • It is expected that the juniors show respect to their seniors and seniors treat the juniors with gentle affection and care. ï‚·

  • Bursting of crackers & playing with colours is liable to lead to the expulsion of a student from the school. ï‚·

  • Students found tampering with the school records like marks allotted by teachers in tests/exams is liable to strict disciplinary action.

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